Sunday 7 August 2011

Drowsy Water Ranch #5

Me and the fabulous cowgirl Lauren, my other family :-)
All the horses in the Corral
Me and my horse for the week Spunky. Such a big eater and stubborn, but beautiful.
The lodge for eating, my favourite place :-) great coffee and pancakes, thanks Beth and Mandy :-)
Around DWR, staff quarters in behind the pick up
The beautiful area in front of the lodges, the fabulous Randy Sue kept it beautiful
Aspen the dog, the best dog (quite sure its Aspen :-)
Cowgirl Lauren :-)

Above photos are the beautiful scenery from 11,000 feet elevation. Stunning scenery of Granby Colorado
Just taking a rest before riding out
Heading out to move cattle with the greatest people
What can I say seriously :-)
The absolutely gorgeous Beth, one of the best girls at the ranch.
Cowgirl of the century Randy Sue telling us our game plan for moving the cattle, even tho the dogs did most of the work :-) I still moved one cow and calf, city slicker style :-)
The best girls at the ranch Lauren and Dylan. Gorgeous girls
Max being funny, quite classic :-)
Another classic shot :-)
Riding up for our breakfast ride, was so nice
Great photo Lauren, the background is spectacular
Scenery while having brekky
Nothing like brekky out of a pick up truck :-)
Lauren looking fabulous on the family rock :-)
Seriously how is that behind me :-)
Our family of 2 photo on the rock that didnt cost us anything :-)
Me and Spunkles before heading back down the mountain after breakfast
Me and the gorgeous Dylan in front of the Corral
The absolute best wrangler chick I have ever met in my life. Nell you are a absolute champ, one of a kind :-)
Our fantastic hay ride, really like this photo :-)
OMGoodness my first Smore. Ok so the chocolate and marshmallow of course is a winner but still a bit iffy on the whole gram cracker thing, gonna have to find a alternative cracker i think, still good tho.
DWR staff puttin on a show. You rock Ken Fosher :-)
Sitting round the campfire listening to the fabulous DWR staff band :-)
How nice is this :-)

All above more fabulous Granby Colorado scenery, love this place
All the staff at Drowsy Water Ranch, great people, especially Nell :-)
Ok so this is the DWR clown and there is also one at Cherokee Ranch. Hands down Tony you are the best ranch clown :-) you are the winner :-)

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