Saturday 13 August 2011

Cherokee Park Ranch #3

 The gorgeous Mares and Foals in the paddock
 Neilsy and Finn :-)
 The greatest family ever. Neil, Fin, Sam and Georgia. Looking good Duke
 Gorgeous scenery
 The very good looking John Michael
 Wranglers in the back having a rest and Georgia resting up on Fin before riding out. Great Fajita ride
 Cowboy of the year Karl. My future husband :-) Greatest guy you will ever meet.
 Fin on Duke riding away :-)
 Neil just wanting to Lope :-)
 Georgia following cowboy of the year Karl
 Father and Son, classic cowboys :-) So impressed with you riding Fin, bloody champ
 Aaron taking lil Rodney out to pasture. Cant decide which one is cuter :-)
 Aaron coming back from taking Rodney out. Aaron definitely cuter than Rodney :-) Greatest guy
 Good ol barn dance. Was the absolute best night. Almost had my arm ripped off tho a few times by Karl. Thanks for the dances Karl your the best :-) Looking good there Fin and Georgia
 Lil pally having a rest
 More lil foals
 Mum and bub
 Ok so yeah I love palominos. I so want these 2
 Cant help but love em
 Lunch ride out for the day. Great scenery and those cowboys arent too bad either :-) Love Karl and Logan
 More great scenery
 Sam looking over the greatest scenery I have ever seen
 Love you Karl and Logan
 Great photo Karl. This is a keeper :-)
 Again fantastic lookout
 Ok seriously see why I want to live here for the rest of my life
Again Im loving it here
 Could never get old looking at this everyday. Lucky buggers that work here
 The other greatest family I have ever met in my life. Part of the wine club, except for the daughter Sydney :-) Sanford on the left, then Mike, then Sydney and then the most beautiful, classic, funniest woman I have ever met Jennifer. Love your family.
 The lodge house. My room was down the back. Had a bat in my room one night. I swear Richie I did not dream it :-)
 Richie. My first future husband :-) Bit young for me but the best looking guy I have seen in America so far, killer smile. Also the greatest guy to talk to. He never really understand alot of my Aussie sayings but still laughed anyway, again the sweetest guy.
 The ever so beautiful mother and daughter Sydney and Jennifer and then me :-) The best porch to sit on, especially with a few wines. I could live on that porch for the rest of my life.
 The greatest guys at the ranch, Seth and my Richie :-) These guys are the absolute greatest, so funny and so nice. So bummed I missed out on the skeet shooting with you boys. Seth you are so tall in this photo and Richie what can I say, killer smile :-) Im bringing Richie back to Aus with me.
 The greatest rodeo rider there is, Sanford. Love ya work Sanford.
 Me and the wrangler boys Craig and Karl. These guys are huge, like big teddy bears. The greatest guys in the world. Miss you boys so much. I look so tiny and Im also getting kinda squashed :-)
 Craig's spurs. A cowboy is not a cowboy without spurs and chaps :-)
 Aaron looking gorgeous as ever. Geez your a good looking bloke and gonna be a vet. Thats a bit of a winner there I think girls :-)
 Getting on my horse for the week......Tomato.....classic name I think for a horse, I was calling him Mater. The greatest quarter horse I have ever ridden.....hang on he is the only quarter horse I have ever ridden :-) Was so happy to ride a quarter horse, been my dream for ever. I love this horse so much.

 Shit didnt realise you was taking a photo :-) I think I was made for this horse. I look seriously cool :-) This is the day of the rodeo which was the hi-light of my week, so wanted to do it again. Hopefully they have them at the next 3 ranches im goin to coz i might be a pro by the end of it :-) Barrel racing is the best fun ever
 This horse's name is Odie. The biggest horse I have ever seen and so sweet
 Fin after winning the rodeo :-)
 Love this guy to bits. Gonna miss ya Fin
 Again cowboy of the year Karl just looking cool as ever. No hunting ok, Im not a fan :-)
 Me and my other family Fin, Max and Georgia. We are just missing Will and Purdy. I love Will, biggest champ.
 The boys in the Corral
Logan adjusting tack on Georgia's horse. Such a good looking guy Logan :-)
 This is one of the wranglers Britt. Yes she is absolutely stunning and such a nice girl, great combination :-) all the boys absolutely loved having her there of course :-)
 The gorgeous mums Christina and Jennifer. Love these girls
 Craig just waiting. Love your hat buddy :-)
 Logan asking if anyone wants any chewing tobacco :-) I didnt think guys actually still chewed tobacco these days.....obviously I was wrong as they almost all chewed the stuff. The spitting tho is a bit much :-) Logan you are still cool to me tho :-)
 The kids cowpoke corral on the left and the tack room on the right and every one waiting for their horses to be saddled up
 This is the sexiest photo ever. John Michael you are goin down as the sexy cowboy. Loving this photo so much hun, also you are just such a great guy and dancer, another winner there I think :-)
 Rhya the cowgirl/cheerleader :-) by far the nicest wrangler girl at the ranch, very easy goin and down to earth girl I have ever met.
 Aaron again just looking as gorgeous as ever. Seriously you boys really made my week :-)
 Logan and Aaron. I could seriously stand by the corral all day and watch these boys at work :-)
 Logan just taking a rest
 I love this photo Logan :-)
 Such a poser :-) joking. I loved taking photos of you
 Another sexy cowboy shot, love ya work John Michael
 John Michael holding the other big horse Glacier
Mike on Glacier, such a lovely horse, great photo Mike
 Father and Daughter Mike and Sydney. I love this photo of you 2 :-)
 The greatest American family. Such great people, I wish I had more time with you all, loved our wine nights. I am so sending this photo to you.
Rodeo cowgirl of the year Jennifer :-)
 John Michael what can I say sexy photo again :-)
 Aaron again looking gorgeous
And again. Seriously this guy is so good looking :-) I was having the greatest time taking all these photos :-)
 Max I love this photo. Such a character kid, love ya work bud :-)
 Logan looking pretty good :-) Im sure he wasnt aware of me taking all these photos :-)
 The other brother Will, you buddy are the biggest champ I have ever met, you totally crack me up :-)
 The 2 boys heading out for a ride together
Again Logan looking good buddy :-)
 And again, seriously was a tough week for me, horses to ride, cowboys to look at :-) very tough
 I really like this photo Logan :-)
 My beautiful horse Mater
 Gave him a good brush and feet clean instead of going for a last ride. He gave me so much during the week that I wanted to give back. I could have stood there all day brushing him, he was loving it and falling asleep. Wonder how much freight would cost to get him back to Australia :-)
 Awwww sweety
 I seriously love this horse, doesnt he look good, so nice and so clean, his tail and mane was in tip top shape after brushing it, hope he keeps it that way :-)
 Lil Rodney. This was the kids horse. I did ask If I could ride him but they said no.....why I ask :-) The good thing also about this lil guy is he doesnt nip or bite, he was probably the same size as my dog
 Seriously how cute is he :-)
 The greatest English family I have ever met in my life, my other family. I love these guys so much, miss you all. I am sending this photo to you Fin as you gotta show Neil and Sam, they will love it. Love the RV :-)
 Me, Mike and Courtney. The most gorgeous father and daughter :-)
Me, Jana, Courtney, Lauren and Amanda. Love these girls so much. Absolutely love Amanda, such a great girl to talk to. Love you all. Last photo with Cherokee ranch people :-(

1 comment:

  1. whoa - cowboy heaven! some seriously good scenery there ;-) xx
